Home Trip Planning Acknowledgements The Ride 1 Eye's Blog
Although I'm 60, I still work full-time so I would like to thank my employer for giving me the "leave of absence" necessary to make this trip a reality. I would also like to acknowledge my wife of 35 years (Donna) and children, Heather and Bill. They have always provided me with love and inspiration. Lastly, I must thank my parents; Dad 93 and Mother recently passed - for their support. Mother loved music, choirs and bright colours. This is for you. Thank-you!
In retrospect, part of the reason behind doing this journey is to promote awareness for people going through difficult times. That is why this trip had to be challenging. This trip had to mirror life's good and bad days; life's ups and downs. This trip had to be done "solo" to relate to the "solitude" that each of us carries within ourselves. This trip acknowledges that we truly live for today. The people and situations encountered along the way, become intertwined - become a oneness. We are all in this together - we need one another. From us "humans" to "nature/trees" to "animals", we exist as one. Together, (we) can add value to this world of ours.
1 Eye

On the personal side - relating to health issues, I'd like to acknowledge three (3) cancers that have impacted the lives of people I know; Cole's journey "Childhood Cancer",  Pancreatic Cancer (Robin; Leon) and Prostate Cancer (Fred; Ron). Please consider these when making a charitable donation.  Thank-you.

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count; it's the life in your    years".   -  Abraham Lincoln

1 Eye's favorite song - Bee Gees - "To Love Somebody"

Poem -  by Grantland Rice - "Game Called"
Sports Team - "New Zealand All Blacks"



Trip Planning
The Ride
1 Eye's Blog
 As we grow older.......

"Since we are destined to live out our lives in the prison of our minds, our one duty is to furnish it well"

-Peter Ustinov- 

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